Witold Ziomek. Photographer
The ERGO Hestia Group has implemented an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of the EMAS certificate. It is part of the overall management system of the entire organisation, and environmental criteria are an important part of the decisions made and taken into account wherever it is reasonable and feasible to do so. Responsibility for environmental issues rests with the Management Board. The proper functioning of the system is guaranteed by its review, carried out by an external and accredited environmental reviewer.
Decisions to undertake and implement pro-environmental measures are the responsibility of the Management Board, which carries them out on the basis of assigned powers-of-attorney in three areas: the insurance portfolio, investments and own business. The directions of actions set forth in the goals, strategies and policies are reviewed at meetings of the Supervisory Boards of the companies.
In the environmental area, an important document that complements and sets out the Management Board’s commitments is the publicly available Environmental Policy. All employees of the ERGO Hestia Group are required to comply with and implement its provisions. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the environmental management system, an Environmental Management Team has been established in the ERGO Hestia Group, headed by the Sustainability Director reporting directly to the Member of the Management Board Technology, Debt Collection and Group Standards.
It represents the Management Board’s commitment in the area of responsibility for natural environmental and the immediate surroundings. It is based on 12 principles (relating to actions taken both inside and outside the organisation) to help minimize the negative impact of our business activities on the environment.
1. |
Comply with laws and international rules aimed at protecting the environment. |
2. |
Continuously monitor and report the level of environmental impact of our operations. |
3. |
Reduce the consumption of raw materials and natural resources by rationalizing and keeping water, energy, fuel and paper consumption as low as possible. |
4. |
Manage waste responsibly by minimizing the amount of waste generated, separate collection, maximizing recycling, and transferring waste for disposal. |
5. |
Educate, encourage, and engage employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners to take environmentally friendly actions and to manage in an environmentally friendly manner. |
6. |
Promote the idea of environmental protection among customers by implementing innovative solutions in the environmental area, using environmentally friendly insurance offerings and marketing activities. |
7. |
Actively promote sustainable transportation, including bicycle commuting, car sharing and public transportation, train commuting, and video conferencing in daily business activities. |
8. |
Continually expand our fleet of green cars and conduct regular training for employees and partners on the principles of green and safe driving. |
9. |
Caring for natural biodiversity, both within and around the company. |
10. |
Maintain an open dialogue with our stakeholders, oriented towards searching for pro-environmental and innovative business solutions. |
11. |
Responsibly and ethically communicate our environmental impact through communication channels commonly used in our business operations. |
12. |
Conduct a practice of purchasing materials and equipment and cooperation with their suppliers in which one of the important parameters of selection will be the lowest possible impact of the use of these materials and equipment on the environment. |
The contents of the Environmental Policy are available Here.
The obligation to take into account the life cycle perspective addressed by the EMAS Regulation is related to the organisation’s strategy, which should include issues beyond the traditional environmental protection. In the case of products that have an intangible form, such as insurance, taking a life cycle perspective into account is more difficult than in the case of physical products. Nevertheless, we have made every effort to reflect this perspective in both direct and indirect environmental aspects. Examples of direct aspect measures include, for example, using only paper made from supervised raw materials, as well as using electricity from renewable sources.
With regard to indirect environmental aspects, ERGO Hestia encourages its agents to offset negative environmental impacts by developing solutions that enable remote policy conclusion and administration, tools that reduce the need to travel to physically inspect the damage, and educating customers to take environmentally friendly initiatives. In certain cases, customers’ activities are evaluated for environmental impact by ERGO Hestia’s environmental experts. Its reduction is supported, among other things, by the obligation to accept the Code of Conduct for suppliers and contractors cooperating with STU ERGO Hestia SA. The document contains requirements regarding environmental protection. Environmental damage insurance, which significantly accelerates the process of remediation, is an important reference to the life cycle perspective. Also noteworthy is the promotion of sustainable transportation and related commuting by ERGO Hestia employees.
in the direct aspect – using paper made from supervised raw materials, as well as using electricity from renewable sources
in the indirect aspect – working closely with agents and encouraging them to offset the negative impact on the environment in their business by implementing specific solutions, such as remote policy conclusion and administration
Our environmental statement is available Here.
A program designed to build a community united by its declared goals and sharing responsibility for attaining them in pursuit of a better future. It has been created for business leaders aware of their role in achieving climate neutrality. It is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in which a group of independent experts reinforces the efforts of business on the road to climate neutrality.
You can read more about the program Here.
We create and develop efficient tools to educate and expand awareness of climate protection within the framework of the program implemented by the UN Global Compact Network Poland, cooperating with other entities and building partnerships based on three main audiences: society, business and public administration. We educate through organised meetings, training courses, workshops, as well as published studies. We work with experts to create research publications that broaden awareness, and through case studies point the way to sustainable development, practical application of environmental standards and examples of developing innovative, environmentally friendly solutions.
Since 2021, Janusz Reiter, an independent Member of the Supervisory Board of the ERGO Hestia Group, has joined the Board of Chapter Zero Poland, the Polish branch of the international Climate Governance initiative established by the World Economic Forum. It aims to raise awareness of the consequences of climate change for business and the impact of business on the climate.
Read more Here.
Other initiatives and commitments can be found Here.
Join international initiatives and declarations striving for climate neutrality
Reduce the total carbon footprint by 12% per employee (relative to 2019)
Maintain ISO 14001 and EMAS environmental certifications
Develop product and service offerings that positively impact the environment and combat climate change, including integration of ESG indicators into the investment risk assessment process
Implement innovative products and services to support the transition to a low-carbon economy and projects that save natural resources, prevent waste and minimise environmental impact
Develop loss adjustment in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way
Implement the Hestia Corporate Solution (HCS) certification program
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Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie ERGO Hestia S.A z siedzibą w Sopocie ul. Hestii 1, 81-731 Sopot ,
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