Baltic Horizons is both a sculpture competition and a broad platform for social and artistic dialogue involving partners from the Baltic Sea region. One of its objectives is to maintain and develop Sopot’s tradition of cooperation with artists from different cultural areas. The concept underpinning Baltic Horizons is to build sustainable and broad communities as well as new fields of artistic cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. The ecological condition of the Baltic Sea forces us to think more broadly about regional partnerships, and art is one of the best fields for the pursuit of sustainable co-operation based on common goals.
Art is the key to building creative cities. It forms and integrates the local community. It helps to build awareness and makes us more sensitive. Art is a catalyst for new ideas. It can pinpoint environmental, social and aesthetic problems. It defines challenges and suggests solutions. It is a platform for designing the future.
The idea of the Baltic Horizons competition arose from the conviction that art is the best field for discussing the challenges of today.
Andrius Labašauskas from Lithuania won the art competition.
The jury recognised his “Landsort Deep” project for its direct reference to ecology and for fitting in well with the urban space of Sopot. This autumn, the sculpture will be placed in the Northern Park, the tourist centre of the resort.
The artist’s work referred to the Landsort Deep, the deepest part of the Baltic Sea located at the western part of the Gotland basin, between the southeast coast of Sweden and the island of Gotland. At the Northern Park, the artist will create a negative version of the bottom of the Baltic Sea – public space where locals and guests of Sopot would have a chance to sit, relax use it as a leisure zone or reflect on climate issues while passing by, or sitting and reading the sculpture. At night, the sculpture will be used to observe climate anomalies. After dusk, the Landsort Deep will be lighted using a smart illumination system. If the temperature of the day exceeds the annual average, the sculpture is lighted in the red spectrum. If the temperature drops below the average, the colour of light changes into the blue spectrum. If the temperature of the day matches the yearly recorded medium, the light remains white.
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