The events in Ukraine that began in February were and still are a heartbreaking experience; we organised our aid on many levels in order to support Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland as quickly, effectively and comprehensively as possible.
we organised activities within the Group
we supported those Hestians who were involved in support activities
we adapted our insurance product offer to meet the needs of refugees
During this difficult time, we launched a programme to support the adaptation process of children aged 5-14 and their mothers who had fled the war, helping them to cope with the immense burden of experiences and emotions. We carried out the programme in 7 cities in Poland with the highest numbers of Ukrainian citizens – Warsaw, Rzeszów, Wieruszów (Łódź), Gdańsk/Sopot, Częstochowa, Gliwice and Kalisz.
The Mother’s Dream workshop was based on art therapy, i.e. psychotherapy using artistic disciplines, with the goal of engaging children in games in which they could gain self-confidence through contact with art. The activities were carried out by experienced Polish and Ukrainian educators and art therapists with the participation of artists from Poland and Ukraine. Under the guidance of experienced educators and activists, the workshop participants were able to develop their talents and awaken their creative thinking. The children learned through contact with art by becoming acquainted with the works of great artists, or became artists themselves by painting, drawing or sculpting their own works of art. They learned to find their way in a new and difficult reality and to build self-confidence through emotional and creative development.
During their stay at the community centre, the children were under constant supervision of Ukrainian-speaking activists and they received refreshments so that their mothers could attend to other duties.
The programme was developed through the collaboration of the Hestia Artistic Journey Foundation with artists and therapists. It was carried out in collaboration with the Integralia Foundation and local partners, including ERGO ARENA in the Tri-City, the Art Pavilion in Warsaw and the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów.
Hestians initially focused on satisfying the basic needs of the refugees, by becoming involved in fundraising and donations, helping at the border, preparing meals and opening their homes.
We wanted to effectively and efficiently connect those who needed help with those who offered it. Within a day, the Hestians Help platform launched.
The financial package allowed volunteers to apply for an allowance to cover the costs of the assistance they provided.
We tried to ensure that the Hestians were fully supported and they had the strength and organisational resources to begin and continue to support Ukrainian citizens. All the volunteers who needed to could ask for a leave during working hours or get a day off.
The third element of the support basket was a package of free days for volunteering: each employee-volunteer could request a day off from work and an extra outing during working hours if it was related to his or her activity in caring for people from Ukraine or had to do with the assistance to Ukraine implemented within the Hestia Volunteer Centre.
Hestians were also able to get involved in the “Family Friend” initiative by choosing a family that the employee wanted to help.
We took care of 250 refugees living near our Head Office in Sopot.
The scale of our volunteers’ involvement was immense. They not only helped the Ukrainian nationals, but also supported each other by sharing their experiences and other important information on the internal communication portal.
Another important and practical form of assistance was the financing of short-term liability insurance for all refugees arriving in Poland from Ukraine. Those who received assistance in the form of our products were able to use them free of charge, and the insurance itself was valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
Nearly 400 people from Ukraine flew on two planes from the humanitarian hub in Nadarzyn to Rome, during the period of the largest influx of war victims in Ukraine to Poland. The Integralia Foundation, its counterpart in Spain and the Italian Caritas joined forces and jointly coordinated the transport of people who expressed their willingness to go and get help outside our country. The Polish volunteer team, which organized everything in just 5 days, was attended by over a dozen people from the corporate representative office in Warsaw, representative offices from Sopot and from the border areas.
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