The Integralia Foundation of the ERGO Hestia Group, which works for the professional integration of people with disabilities, was established in 2004. The main purpose of its projects is to ensure full integration of people with different needs in the professional environment.
recruitment of candidates with disabilities
recommending candidates with the right skills
recruitment and secondment of employees who require a special process of introduction in the ERGO Hestia Group
recommending employees for outright employment if they do not require Integralia’s employment monitoring and support
conducting training and workshops on the topic of working with people with disabilities for employees of the ERGO Hestia Group and other institutions
In its activities, Integralia goes beyond working with the ERGO Hestia Group – it shares best practices in the field of employment of people with disabilities with other interested contractors and organisations that want to develop in this area.
Integralia has extensive experience and knowledge of the needs of this group of workers, which allows it to provide advice concerning their employment, orientation and proper preparation of workstations, including actions required to ensure architectural, digital and information adaptation on the part of the employer. The Integralia Foundation also shares knowledge and practical guidance that enable companies to adapt products and services to the needs of customers with disabilities.
The work of Integralia Foundation is what sets us apart in the financial market. We are the only company in the industry to achieve such high employment rate of people with disabilities.
The project was created for university students and graduates who face the greatest challenges in their careers because of their disability and the stereotypes associated with disability. Other companies that expressed their willingness to start working with the interns were invited to participate.
The partner companies were selected through open recruitment, which resulted in four companies joining the programme: Bayer, ERGO Hestia Group, IKEA and Siemens Healthineers. Participation was conditional on offering internships with a minimum gross salary of PLN 3 500. The companies could also offer a reimbursement of moving costs. Such an offer was made by the ERGO Hestia Group, which offered two internships to programme participants.
In 2022, 13 participants completed the internship, 85% of them with severe or moderate disabilities. The students completed their internships in 4 partner companies that have adopted a sustainability strategy in their operations.
One of Integralia’s projects is the “I Can Do More” programme, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund. Its goal is to help people with disabilities find work and improve the professional situation of those already in employment through career guidance and the organisation of additional courses and training. By the end of 2022, 66 beneficiaries living in the Pomorskie Voivodeship were recruited for the project.
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