One of the six pillars of our sustainability strategy is creating a positive social impact. We focus on several key areas to ensure that our activities bring the greatest benefit to the beneficiaries and groups we support. We do this by engaging the corporate foundations operating in the ERGO Hestia Group and in collaboration with external partners. Through the activities of the Integralia Foundation, we help people with disabilities to enter the labour market on an equal footing.
We support culture because we believe that art and exposure to art can create extraordinary creativity, mindfulness and social value. We conduct activities in this area through the Hestia Artistic Journey Foundation.
We act as a good neighbour in the local community and are involved in local initiatives. We operate Hestia Park, which is open to all residents and tourists. We are a sponsor of the ERGO Arena and the Sopot Sailing Club because sport unites people and releases positive energy.
We also encourage our employees to become involved in volunteering, which is coordinated by the Hestia Volunteer Centre.
In 2022, we were involved in helping refugees from Ukraine who sought shelter and help in Poland following the outbreak of war caused by Russia’s aggression.
A nationwide program whose aim was to support children and their mothers fleeing the war in Ukraine in the adaptation process. Their baggage of experiences, emotions and experiences was very large, and the difficulties in adaptation were enormous.
The workshop program was built based on the assumptions of art therapy – psychotherapy using artistic fields. Their goal was to engage in games in which the child gained self-confidence and distance through contact with art. The classes were conducted by Polish and Ukrainian experienced educators, art therapists and artists. Children learned through contact with art and the works of great artists or on their own, becoming artists – painting, drawing, sculpting. They learned how to find their way in a new and difficult situation, as well as build self-confidence through emotional and creative development.
The workshops were organized in 7 Polish cities where the most citizens from Ukraine stayed: Warsaw, Rzeszów, Wieruszów (Łódź), Gdańsk/Sopot, Częstochowa, Gliwice, Kalisz. Over 400 children took part in the classes. Art therapists conducted a total of 650 hours of classes.
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