For years, we have been relying on technological development and innovations, due to which we make available some cutting-edge tools in the Polish insurance market. Putting these assumptions into practice is accompanied with care for building maturity of information security and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
We implement a number of coordinated activities whose aim is to determine the measures indispensable to ensure data integrity, accessibility and confidentiality as well as to reduce the information security risk level. The activities taken comply with the provisions of generally applicable laws and supervisory regulations issued by, among others, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
Mateusz Arbatowski. Photographer
We monitor both existing and potential threats, using reliable information sources for this purpose – internal (security architecture) and external (e.g. cooperation with CSIRT).
In our organisational structures, special units were established and functions assigned, with the tasks of implementing appropriately and overseeing the Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is the Management Board that is responsible for setting directions and priorities of activities to ensure security, with the support from the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and the Information Security Division at the Risk Office.
In 2022, the ERGO Hestia Group did not identify any justified complaints.
As of 2021, legal proceedings are under way to appeal the decision of the Personal Data Protection Authority. The penalty imposed by the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority was overturned by the Court of First Instance, and an appeal proceeding at the initiative of the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority is currently under way. The case is pending and neither party has obtained a final judgment. In accordance with the ISMS in effect at the Company pursuant to an internal instruction, information on ongoing litigation and legal services is subject to a confidentiality clause, and for this reason cannot be disclosed.
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Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń ERGO Hestia S.A z siedzibą w Sopocie, ul. Hestii 1, 81-731 Sopot,
Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie ERGO Hestia S.A z siedzibą w Sopocie ul. Hestii 1, 81-731 Sopot ,
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